Calypso Communications & Consulting's Photo Gallery

Below is our archive of original photos. All of these were taken using a 35mm camera and then scanned. Click on a subject below to go to a page of thumbnail images. Each thumbnail leads to the full-sized photo.

For a look at our digital photography service, click here.

There are lots of graphics ahead, so please be patient as pages load.

Landscapes & Scenery
Outdoor views of rivers, trails, and much more.
          Autumn Colors
The wonderous colors of Autumn.
          Sunrise Sunset
The sky is alive with colors.

Birds & Wildlife
From the common to the exotic, here are some of our feathered friends and creatures from the animal kingdom.
          Beautiful Butterflies
Shot in a (very humid) butterfly showcase house.

Flowers & Fauna
Artistic and colorful presentations of many different varieties of flowers and plant life.

Around Edmonton
Sights and images from several of Edmonton's historic attractions, streets, and people.

Live Performance
Below are the different categories from which to choose:
          Native Dance
Vibrant colors highlight a vibrant culture.
          Equestrian Competition
Exciting jumping displays.
From the International Street Performers Festival.
          Music and Musicians
Includes concert footage of Jethro Tull, Daniel Bélanger, and others.

Still Life
Statues, monuments, displays.
Food and symbols of Jewish worship.

Black & White Images
Shot, developed, and printed by hand.

Quirky & Fun
You'll have to look twice at some of these shots -- and laugh!
          Sidewalk Art
Temporary art on the street.
          Self Portraits
This is me, from several perspectives.

All images © Paula E. Kirman
